What is Readers and Writers Workshop?
Readers and Writers Workshop is a space for you to explore and expand on who you are as a reader and writer. The workshop model allows for you to make choices in your reading material and the topics for your writing.
Daily Workshop Schedule
- Reading Warm-Up
- Mini-Lesson
- Independent Practice (Reading or Writing, depending on the day)
- Share with Partner
- Bring your book every day!
- Every student will participate in all parts of the workshop
- Reading Warm-Up and Independent Practice time are both completely silent (unless you are conferencing with the teacher or your partner).
- You are never "done" with workshop!
- We will add more expectations as we move along....
- Writing
- Guided Piece--The whole class writes in the same genre, but you choose your own topic.
- Inquiry Piece--You choose the genre and the topic of this piece.
- Editing Skills Quiz--You will be tested at the end of the unit on the editing skills that were taught.
- Reading
- Booktalks--You will summarize and discuss your self-selected books with your teacher.
- Book Review--You will choose at least one novel and write a book review.
- Terms Test--You will be given a terms test throughout the unit on literary terms that you have been taught.
Some Highlights of Possible Extensions
- Bookgroups
- Blogging
- Poetry Cafe
- Shared Projects with Other Classes