When collecting ideas for persuasive writing, you want to think of things in life that you LOVE and that you HATE! Try these strategies to find issues that make your heart sing or your blood boil.
--By the way, you don't have to use all of these; try using two of these strategies!
The "Argggg" strategy is my favorite. No, it does not involve pirates (sorry to disappoint). Basically, you write a list of things that, well, make you say "Argggg". Here's my sample:
- When people don't clean up after themselves
- Politicians who make promises that they know they can't keep
- Anyone who makes promises that they know they can't keep
- When people eat unhealthy food and then complain about being unhealthy....
- How the media makes girls and women feel insecure about their bodies
- Standardized tests
- When students refuse to learn
- Gas prices
- When my kids don't choose to take my advice
- Gossip
- When people are grouchy for no reason
- When people move to a new country and don't try to learn the language (Like me in Germany. Shame on me....)
- Stereotypes
- Racism
The Perfect World
"The Perfect World" is another great strategy. Visualize your perfect world. Then list the things that would have to change in order to get to that Utopia. (Some of the things that you list may look similar to items on the list above. If they do, that's great! In fact, if an idea shows up in more than one list, it must be meaningful to you!)
- People would be celebrated for their differences
- I would volunteer more
- People would eat healthier and exercise regularly
- Everyone would be at least bilingual
- Families would live closer to one another
- Teachers would have more freedom to teach how they wanted--and they would do so passionately and effectively!
- Everyone would be at least a part-time vegetarian
- We would drive cars less frequently
- Every child would live in a loving home
To use the "Why?" strategy, list questions that you have for the people in your life or for the world.
- Why do people adopt pets if they're not going to take care of them?
- Why do some friends stab you in the back?
- Why do parents not trust teens?
- Why do some teachers yell at students?
- Why do people spend money that they don't have?
- Why do kids bully each other?
- Why doesn't our school require uniforms?
- Why do people do drugs when they know the long-term effects?
Love, Love, Love
The title of this strategy speaks for itself. Just list things you LOVE about life, especially things that you would like to do or see people do more often. (Remember that, while I love chocolate, chocolate would make a terrible topic for persuasive writing. Instead, I'm going to list BIG things that I love.)
- I love when people perform random acts of kindness.
- I love when kids and teens are confident enough to stand up to peer pressure.
- I love when kids and teens read books!
- I love when my kids do their chores or cook dinner without my having to ask them
- I love the way I feel when I exercise and eat well
- I love spending time with my family
- I love getting out into nature (which I don't do enough)
- I love having friends who are loyal (and fun!)
- I love pushing myself to learn new things
- I love when the media uses its power to make people happier
- I love when my students take learning seriously
- I love books...(it's a problem...)
- I love when people take responsibility for their mistakes
Changing Minds
If you could change one person's mind, whose mind would it be? Your mom's or your racist neighbor's? Your teacher's or your dog's? Here's your chance to list as many minds as you can that might benefit from a change in perspective! List the person AND specifically what you would change.
- My mom--the way that she sees me as a baby
- My neighbor--the racist jokes that he tells
- My teacher--she thinks that students have hours every night for homework!
- My dog--he thinks that he owns the sofa
- Obama--his perspective on gun control
- Boxer (from Animal Farm)--his motto of "I will work harder"
So, those are a few of my favorite strategies for collecting ideas for persuasive writing. As you can see, I only brainstormed a few ideas for each...so far. Aim for listing as many ideas as possible--can you list thirty???
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